Clean Water Works
CLEVELAND, OHIO: From the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, an in-depth and fun conversation led by Donna Friedman and Mike Uva on any and all topics related to clean water, wastewater treatment, stormwater management, and the people, projects, and programs serving Lake Erie and our local waterways and communities.
Clean Water Works
How does a Wastewater Treatment Plant Work?
Denario Jones explains the basics of wastewater treatment and tells us what it's like to work as a wastewater plant operator (WPO). For more info on working at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, visit
Some acronyms used in this episode:
WPO-IT - Wastewater Plant Operator in Training
WQIS - Water Quality & Industrial Surveillance
MGD - A measurement of how many Millions of Gallons per Day
WEFTEC - The Water Environment Federation's annual Technical Exhibition and Conference
OWEA - Ohio Water Environment Association
EMSC - Environmental & Maintenance Services Center